Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Developing My Idea

During a one-on-one with Oliver today I realised we weren't trying to recreate a space in the boatsheds but more so an experience, which got me thinking what is the 'cinema experience'. I brainstormed key ideas which I think are involved in the experience, and decided on what I really want my boatshed experience to be about. 

The cinema experience, for me, is lining up for popcorn and tickets, the smell of the popcorn the taste the excitement. Cinema without popcorn isn't a cinema experience to me, so I've decided to concentrate the inside of my boatshed around popcorn. Of course a vital component of the cinema experience, is an actual screen and image with people and seating, but these things can be surrounding the shed; 
  • Seating -  on the roof of the boat shed, outside the boatshed along the pavement
  • Screen - on a sail of a boat in the ocean, put a screen on a barge in the ocean 
  • Projector - can be attached to the centre indoor of the boatshed

Research on the History of Popcorn

To help me create the right experience and atmosphere within my shed, I researched some interesting facts and found some relevant images to help me further my idea. 

  • Popcorn actually derived from ancient Mexico, and was considered the most important food in Aztec culture. 
  • Popcorn was used by the Aztecs as decoration for ceremonial headdresses, necklaces, and as ornaments on the statues of their gods, including 'Centeotl' the Aztec god of 'maize' or corn and 'Tlaloc' the Aztec god of fertility. 
  • Popcorn was a very important part of life in the ancient Americas, on a 1700 year old painted funeral urn found in Mexico, a corn god is shown wearing a headdress of popcorn. 
  • An early Spanish account of a ceremony honouring the Aztec gods describes popcorn as "a kind of corn which bursts when parched and discloses its contents and makes itself look like a very white flower.."
  • Archaelogists have found 80,000 year old corn pollen below Mexico City, which leads them to believe that 'cave people' most likely snacked on popcorn. 
  • A popcorn kernel is actually a seed, inside it has a tiny plant embryo which is surrounded by soft starchy material, which is protected by a hard glossy shell on the outside of the seed. 

Brainstorming Ideas for my 30 Second Movie

To create a video that demonstrates the experience that I want to achieve within my cinema boatshed I could include some of the ideas below; 

To create a video that demonstrates the experience that I want to achieve within my cinema boatshed I could include some of the ideas below; 

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